How To Order
Step 1:
Select product to order from the drop down menu.
Step 2:
Indicate customization instructions.
(If there is no field to type, you may place your order first. You can Whatsapp us with the customization details)
Step 3:
Add item to cart, and select quantity.
(Please ensure that your customization details are correct. We will not be liable for replacement if the errors are wrongly entered.)
Step 4:
Please read the Terms & Conditions before checking out and make payment.
Step 5:
Wait for our contact you with a draft of your customization once it has been completed.
Production time will commence AFTER you have confirmed the final draft. Production time does not include delivery process.
Have an urgent request?
We offer 2 business days turn around for selected products. However, additional charges apply.
Do reach us to us via whatsapp +65 8321 9945 or email us at before placing your order online.